Thursday 15 October 2009

Synopsis & Storytype


The clip i am showing is going to be a scene from the film, were a girl called Emily is being interviewed about her friends disappearance. The film is about a group of friends that camped out in a suspected haunted house, and only 3 of them came out. Her friend has gone missing and suspectidly being taken by a demon. The girl that is being interviewed witnessed her friends disapearance but is shaken and doesnt say much. It also shows her being possessed the thing that took her friend which causes halm to others.

Aims & Context

For my second year production work, I am creating a 5minute film and establish the context of my film. My role for making this film is director/producer
The first aspect I need to look at is defining a recognisable audience, so that I can fit my film to this audiences expectations and interests. My film will hopefully follow the codes and conventions of the horror genre. The age and gender however took me a lot more time to define and narrow the choice down. The age I have chosen my film to be aimed at more to young adults, as i find that they particularly enjoy horror films more than older people. I think the film genre applies a much younger audience because they would have experienced other films, and also they are much familar with horror genre films. Stylistics and formal influences is another area I need to look at are what is found in all horror genre which are the main conventions. Elements such as the dark picture, non-linear storylines, a villian/murder/or something obnormal . I will use some of these stylists in my own film, so it will be recognisable as a horror genre
The role I am going to undertake mainly is the director and producer. I will choose all shots, which I think would suit what’s going on in the film. I will also director the actors, of their position in shot, and make sure they know what the individual in my film knows what her lines are.

What film genre do you like the most

How often do you watch Horror genre films?
