Tuesday 1 December 2009

Horror Film Clips

Gothika - Interview scene

This scene from Gothika, is a typical interview scene within a horror genre. The dark lighting gives an unhappy and strange atmosphere, which goes along with its narrative. The cinematography varies within the scene, shots such as high angle shots are used to give the impresssion that the characters are being watched. The scene also includes shot reverse shots to show conversation, and the use of medium close up are used so we are able to see the emotion on the characters faces. The use of bars, and gates suggests that the character is trapped, I plan to use this technique within my film.

Silence of the lambs - interview scene

This is a clip from silence of the lambs, that shows the main character who is the 'baddy' . The beginning of the scene again shows red bars, again giving the impression the character is behind bars, and is trapped. The clip features alot of close up shots of the murder. The clip also shows the use of shot reverse shots the same as the gothika scene. I will use these particular shots in my own 5 minute film.

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