Horror Genre Q
1) What film genre do you watch the most?
- Action
- Romance
- Horror
- Comedy
- Sci-fi
- Other
2)How often do you watch Horror genre films?
- All the time
- Once a month
- Not very often
- Never
3) If so what is your favourite film? ___________
My Film Q
4) Did you enjoy the film? Yes/No
5) Can you tell what genre the film is? And how?
6) Do you think the film fitted well to the stereotypical horror genre conventions? Yes/ No
7) What do you think was the best part of the film?
8) Was there any part of the film you didn't like?
9) How could i improve my film?
10) What would you say the target audience is for the film?
11) Would you recommend this film to your friends? And Why?
(Add any comments)
Copy of my audience feedback questionaire
Results from Horror genre questions (1,2,3)
As an all round film question I was interested to know out of the 5 film genres (Action, romance, horror, comedy, and sci-fi) which one is most popular. The Pie chart shows that the comedy film genre is the most popular, followed by the horror genre. I found out what i wanted to know by this, and it is proven that the horror genre is a popular genre.
This graph shows that it is equal in the ways that the audience watch horror genre. All the time and never are the two opposites and this shows that its equal in the horror genre as just as many people watch them all the time than the audience never watch horror films. This is the same for once a month and not very often. Both are equal, however these are the most popular answers again, showing that the genre is popular but not at the top as it is also shown in question 1's answer, as it became the second popular genre after comedy. By the answers from the two questions, it equals out the results helping me understand who and what is the audience of horror genre films.
3) Whats your favourite horror film if so?
The results from this question show a range of different horror films, two of the respondents did not answer this question. These are the answers:
Respondent 1: The Decent
Respondent 2: Saw 3
Respondent 3: The eye
Respondent 4: The shining
All of the answers given are considerably popular horror films. This shows that audience in which my film was shown to are familiar with the horror genre, which means that my audience feedback will be opinions of horror fans, making it more honest than people who do not like the genre at all.
Audience Feedback results - My film
4) Did you enjoy the film? Yes/No
All respondents answered YES
5)Can you tell what genre the film is and how?
Respondent 1: Horror
Respondent 2: Horror as the plot showed a girl possessed. The beginning explains this, conventions, police call, strange noises ect. and the red filiter making her evil.
Respondent 3: Horror, through the use of editing and colour effects.
Respondent 4: Horror - camera work and performance.
Respondent 5: Yes the film is a horror, shown through the narrative. Close up shots and the red effects on the girls face to show she is evil.
Respondent 6:Horror by the effects and acting.
6) Do you think the film fitted well to the stereotypical horror genre conventions? Yes/No
All respondents answered YES.
7) What do you think was the best part of the film?
Respondent 1: the rage scenes
Respondent 2: the opening was highly effective as it showed 4 shots in black and white. CCTV style.
Respondent 3: All of it mainly the editing.
Respondent 4: Editing.
Respondent 5: The effect of the CCTV cameras.
Respondent 6: When the actress was being possessed.
8) Was there any part of the film you did not like?
Respondent 1: No.
Respondent 2: No.
Respondent 3: No, I loved it all
Respondent 4: No.
Respondent 5: No.
Respondent 6: No.
9) How could I impove the film?
Respondent 1: Better quailty image.
Respondent 2: Varitation of location and place
Respondent 3: Using more space.
Respondent 4: Make it longer and explore the possessed aspect.
Respondent 5: Maybe add some more locations.
Respondent 6: I don't think it could be improved, it's good as it is.
10) What would you say the target audience is for the film?
Respondent 1: Teenagers, maybe 18+
Respondent 2: Teenagers/Adults
Respondent 3: Young teenagers 13 - 21
Respondent 4: Young 18 -29
Respondent 5: Young adults aged 16 - 30
Respondent 6: 18 - 25 year olds male/female
11) Would you recommend this film to your friends?
Respondent 1: Yes
Respondent 2: Yes, it gave me the chills and I enjoyed watching the different shots
Respondent 3: Yes, its interesting.
Respondent 4: Yes, well edited.
Respondent 5: Yes, the narrative and storyline sound good and interesting
Respondent 6: Yes, it looked like it had a story to it rather than people just being killed like most horror films.
Any other comments
Interesting film, very good, loved it.
Overall the audience feedback of my film gives good, positive comments, and I am pleased with the outcome. The answers to the horror genre questions will allow me to explore the needs of the audience, and gives me more information about what my audience watch and enjoy, and hopefully my film meets these expectations of a horror film.
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