Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Costume, Props and Setting

The costume I am using for the character Emily is normal everday dress as it is set in modern times. I particularly chosen the striped back and white top for emily to wear as the stripes can suggest that she is trapped. the black and white stripe is also famous for prisions or burglers to wear, which are considerably bad people. as emily is being possessed by a demon, she is bad. It can also suggest that she is trapped much like a prisoner.

The use of props is very small for my film as it set in an interview room which tend to be bare and plain. Table and chairs are included, and also the mention of the camera within the storyline.

The setting i have chosen is a normal college class room. I will move the furtiture so that it would look alot more interview room, within a police station. Emily will be sat behind the table on a chair.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

The Victim - Film Script

Film Script – The Victim.

This scene takes place in a normal room, set out like an interview room. The girl being interviewed is Emily, she has been involved with her friends disappearance on the 19th April. She claims to have witnessed something obnormal and the interviewer is trying to get her to tell them what happened on the night and what happened to her missing friend Beth. Some of the shots will be as if she is being watched by a CCTV camera, and other shots are varied, to show her emotion. Within the scene Emily is possessed by something unknown, she becomes angry and starts to crawl to the camera. At the end of the scene we hear the interviewer screaming and Emily is looking directly at the camera in front. The camera falls on the ground and Emily crawls to the camera and says 'its not me' the camera cuts off.

Sound of a phone call.
-999, what’s your emergency?
-(weird voice, different language)
- Sorry sir, I cannot understand you!
- (weird voice speaks again, something unexplainable)
(the phone is put down)

Various different shots of Emily, the girl being interviewed in the room. Long shots, medium, close ups, extreme close up of eye.

Interviewer – Hello Emily, tell us about what happened that night?
Emily – I can’t, it will hear me.
Interviewer – what will hear you Emily?
Emily – I don’t know who. It’s everywhere I go. (Everywhere I go is repeated, using different shots) (Emily head flops)
Interviewer – Emily? Emily?
Interview is continued...
Emily – I told you it did, it is, I can’t get away anymore (repeated using different shots)
Interviewer – who was you with that night?
Emily – you know who! Jonny, Kate and.... (pause)
Interviewer – and Beth?
Emily – NO! No, she wasn’t there!
Interviewer – she was Emily, what happened to her?
Emily – i don’t know! She, she went
Interviewer – went where Emily?
Emily – away! (Starts being possessed, crawls towards the camera)
Interviewer – Emily! Emily... can we stop recording please. (Camera goes off)
Interviewer – the continuation of the interview with Emily potter 20th April 2010
Are you okay to continue Emily?
Emily nods head.
Interviewer – what did you see Emily?
Emily – you wouldn’t believe me, us.
Interview – we would like to know Emily
Emily – there was nothing there! Nothing. We could hear it but we couldn’t see it.
Interviewer – explain to me what it was
Emily – evil! (This is repeated in different shots, it gets louder until Emily is screaming ‘evil!’
(She starts to shake madly and screaming, security comes to settle her)
Once settled the interview is continued.
Interviewer – are you okay Emily?
Emily – yes, yes, it gets angry sometimes.
Interviewer – what does?
Emily doesn’t answer and stares into the camera.
We hear the scream of the interviewer and the camera falls to the ground. Emily crawls up to the camera and says ‘it’s not me!’

Horror Film Clips

Gothika - Interview scene

This scene from Gothika, is a typical interview scene within a horror genre. The dark lighting gives an unhappy and strange atmosphere, which goes along with its narrative. The cinematography varies within the scene, shots such as high angle shots are used to give the impresssion that the characters are being watched. The scene also includes shot reverse shots to show conversation, and the use of medium close up are used so we are able to see the emotion on the characters faces. The use of bars, and gates suggests that the character is trapped, I plan to use this technique within my film.

Silence of the lambs - interview scene

This is a clip from silence of the lambs, that shows the main character who is the 'baddy' . The beginning of the scene again shows red bars, again giving the impression the character is behind bars, and is trapped. The clip features alot of close up shots of the murder. The clip also shows the use of shot reverse shots the same as the gothika scene. I will use these particular shots in my own 5 minute film.

Conventions and Characteristics of Horror Genre

This type of genre strives to educe fear and apprehension from their viewers by colliding supernatural into reality situations. Everything a normal society values is systematically destroyed throughout the film. It often can be completely paranormal without any reality whatsoever and are based on classic literature of the gothic/horror genre. They can also incorporate elements of other genres such as science fiction (sci-fi), fantasy, black comedies or thriller. Modernized horrors usually contain graphic violence or bloody gore. Horror films differentiate due to the years and so it is much harder to compare or group them largely and so contrasts between them become very clear.o
Preliminary introduction into ordinary lifestyleo
Type of bizarre murder/death – killer maybe known or unknowno
Credits follow horror theme – creepy font, title movement, image eg pumpkin, weapon, etco Main characters introduced – young/ youthfulo
Teenage kids – easy target also vulnerable – home alone
Teenagers usually a couple – football jock boyfriend and cheerleader blonde bimbo girlfriend. Mysterious phone calls – dubbed sinister voice “Who’s There…?”
Family ties brokeno Sisters killed by brothers e.g: Halloweeno
Sometimes unsuccessful acts of heroismo Victim unprotectedo
Superhuman killer – doesn’t die successfully = sequels

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Synopsis & Storytype


The clip i am showing is going to be a scene from the film, were a girl called Emily is being interviewed about her friends disappearance. The film is about a group of friends that camped out in a suspected haunted house, and only 3 of them came out. Her friend has gone missing and suspectidly being taken by a demon. The girl that is being interviewed witnessed her friends disapearance but is shaken and doesnt say much. It also shows her being possessed the thing that took her friend which causes halm to others.

Aims & Context

For my second year production work, I am creating a 5minute film and establish the context of my film. My role for making this film is director/producer
The first aspect I need to look at is defining a recognisable audience, so that I can fit my film to this audiences expectations and interests. My film will hopefully follow the codes and conventions of the horror genre. The age and gender however took me a lot more time to define and narrow the choice down. The age I have chosen my film to be aimed at more to young adults, as i find that they particularly enjoy horror films more than older people. I think the film genre applies a much younger audience because they would have experienced other films, and also they are much familar with horror genre films. Stylistics and formal influences is another area I need to look at are what is found in all horror genre which are the main conventions. Elements such as the dark picture, non-linear storylines, a villian/murder/or something obnormal . I will use some of these stylists in my own film, so it will be recognisable as a horror genre
The role I am going to undertake mainly is the director and producer. I will choose all shots, which I think would suit what’s going on in the film. I will also director the actors, of their position in shot, and make sure they know what the individual in my film knows what her lines are.

Friday, 25 September 2009

A2 Film Studies

For my second year production work I have chosen to make a film of the genre of film noir.
To help me create this 5 minute film, i have 5 friends that will help me do this, these friends are in my class and are also doing this production work for themseleves. They are Jonny Kelly, Emily Potter, Kate Parker-Hunt, and Alex Nicholson. These helpers will have alocated roles to help me create a sucessful piece of production work.

I have recently finished my film script and have yet to finish my storyboard. This is a record of the progress i have made up to now and who has helped me on my film.

21/10/09 - I met up with Johnny Kelly & Emily Potter, he helped me decide on what my characters should be like and where it should be set.
I then begun my storyboard.

11/11/09 - Jonny Kelly helped me begin my script, he helped me on the opening scene, which was then easier for me to carry on the whole thing.

What film genre do you like the most

How often do you watch Horror genre films?
